Leading with Safe Uncertainty®
Our own ‘oxygen mask’

If we are not in good shape ourselves, how do we expect to give of our best to others?
Research indicates that the building blocks of resilience, self-confidence, self-esteem and self-concept are rooted, respectively in – the somatic nervous system, the autonomic nervous system and the central nervous system. We need to consider own needs – our own ‘oxygen mask’ so that we can best support our colleagues and teams. The key components for our well-being seem to be :
Having a Sense of Purpose
Our ability to see meaning in our work is one of the first things to suffer in adverse times. The feeling of contributing something worthwhile and connecting with others through a sense of purpose helps buffer us against ambiguity and conflicting priorities.
Developing Self-Awareness
Our sense of self plays out at both a physical and an emotional level. Checking in with ourselves to notice tension, discomfort and stress, plus the willingness and ability to attend to these keeps us well. Also, we have an inbuilt moral compass, our ‘true North’ and when these values and beliefs are compromised, we fail to thrive.
Having Hope
Learned Optimism is a concept from Positive Psychology’s founding father, Martin Seligman, which argues that we can cultivate a positive perspective. His current work on learned optimism shows just how powerful a positive mindset can be – we can choose how we view our current situation; with the ability to reframe circumstance comes choice and options on how to proceed.
Feeling Connected
The structure of dependence – independence – interdependence illustrates our path to connectedness. We are social beings and whilst we have a wide-ranging need and preference for the company of others, we cannot survive in isolation. Relationships are key to our ability to decompress, obtain guidance, support and share our successes and challenges.